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Thursday 8 July 2010

Blair-ed mail

Some may call me over ambitious, some may call it foolish and some may call it downright cheeky, but I call it journalism. In retrospect I should not have expected a reply when I sent an email to the former prime minister Tony Blair for a comment on the Iraq Inquiry because it was investigating a war that he had led Britain into which today is one of if not the most controversial and debated war in history and Britain's biggest military endeavour since the World War II.

But, it was an inquiry which he would be called to give evidence at, he was at the heart of the controversy and it was to have him give evidence in public that anti-wars campaigners, families of the fallen and hundreds of others across Britain were shouting about. So to not have tried would not have meant I had turned every stone in search of answers.

And you know what, I did get actually get a response from one of his assistants/secretaries on his behalf, not the one I wanted but a response none the less.

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